
Depersonalization and Derealization...

What are they and what can you do about them?

I know that depersonalization and derealization can be cured, BUT, how do I know?

Because I had them both through 27 years of suffering and switched them off in days.

Derealization and Depersonalization are both symptoms of high anxiety and sufferers of one can experience the other.

First of all, understand this - Depersonalization and Derealization are completely normal symptoms of anxiety disorder.
Although very disturbing at times, they are completely harmless - think of them as a daytime dream.

They DO NOT mean that you are suffering from any other condition, a mental illness or that you are going mad - they are justsimply the manifestation of an anxious mind - anxious but incredible!
Depersonalization - Definition
- A change in an individuals self-awareness such that they feel detached from their own experience, with the self, the body and mind seeming alien.'
Depersonalization is a symptom of an anxiety disorder and not a stand alone condition.

How do we know this?

Because depersonalization cannot exist without anxiety BUT anxiety can exist without depersonalization.

In each and every depersonalization sufferer that we have treated, as we have eliminated the anxiety, the depersonalization disappears completely.

Depersonalization is caused by a shift in the part of the brain that provides us with a 'real' awareness of our environment; this part of the brain is directly linked to the Amygdala, the organ in the brain responsible for anxiety.
Terms commonly used to describe the symptoms and sensations of Depersonalization:
    •    unreal
    •    disembodied
    •    divorced from oneself
    •    apart from everything
    •    unattached
    •    alone
    •    strange
    •    weird
    •    foreign
    •    unfamiliar
    •    dead
    •    puppet-like
    •    robot-like
    •    acting a part
    •    'like a lifeless
    •    two dimensional
    •    'cardboard' figure
    •    made of cotton-wool
    •    having mechanical actions
    •    remote
    •    automated
    •    a spectator
    •    witnessing ones own actions as if in a film or on a TV program
    •    not doing one's own thinking
    •    observing the flow of ideas in the mind as independent.

Derealization - Definition
'A change in an individual's experience of the environment, where the world around him/her feels unreal and unfamiliar.'
Unlike depersonalization which effects the perception of oneself, derealization is a change in an individual's experience of their environment, where the world around him/her feels unreal and unfamiliar.

Again, derealization, like depersonalization, is caused by a change in the way senses perceive our surroundings due to sensitized, anxious, nerve signals reaching the brain. Derealization is completely harmless but can be very disturbing. The more you give derealization credibility, the longer it stays with you. As anxiety levels are reduced, derealization disappears.
Terms commonly used to describe the symptoms and sensations of Derealization:

    •    spaciness
    •    like looking through a gray veil
    •    a sensory fog
    •    spaced-out
    •    being trapped in a glass bell jar
    •    in a goldfish bowl
    •    behind glass
    •    in a Disney-world dream state
    •    withdrawn
    •    feeling cut off or distant from the immediate surroundings
    •    like being a spectator at some strange and meaningless game
    •    objects appear diminished in size
    •    flat
    •    dream-like
    •    cartoon-like
    •    artificial; objects appear to be unsolid, to breathe, or to shimmer
    •    "as if my head were inside a Coke bottle and I'm viewing the world through the thick glass at the bottom"

Drugs and alcohol

When and how did your depersonalization or derealization start?

Did it occur after or during taking prescription or illegal drugs or alcohol? If so, that isn't unusual!

Many of our clients come to us scared that they took some kind of drug or got drunk and suddenly became aware of feeling 'strange'.

Depersonalization and derealization can be a natural symptom of high anxiety or can be caused by a sudden surge of adrenalin caused by a substance and this can lead to the development of a high anxiety condition which might only manifest as mild anxiety and depersonalization and/or derealization.

ONLY YOU know how you are feeling - only you can be honest about the symptoms and thoughts running through your body and mind - I know... I have been there.

Anxiety disorders take many forms indeed... some causing very few physical symptoms, some causing overwhelming symptoms, panic attacks, agoraphobia, OCD or PTSD for example.
You are where you are right now...

...What I mean by this is that you won't get 'worse'... you can only get better.

No matter how your anxiety manifests in you, or how long you have suffered, believe me when I say to you that you really will be absolutely fine.

I have helped more anxiety sufferers in the last 16 years than most anxiety 'experts' help in a lifetime... over 160,000 people to be exact... and the overwhelming evidence and truth is that you can and will be free of this... you just have to do as I say and it will all slip away naturally and quickly... psychotherapy and drugs won't do this for you... of that I am 100% certain... not only are they not synthesized to remove anxiety, depersonalization and derealization, but they cannot and do not reach the correct brain structures to make the necessary changes. They MIGHT temporarily 'knock the edges' off the anxiety but they cannot cure it!

Regardless of what the initial catalyst was for your DP/DR, the recovery process is the same in every case - The same process and so simple.

So what can you really do about depersonalization and derealization?

Whilst I know that both derealization and depersonalization are harmless, they are also quite disturbing to sufferers, but can be eliminated very quickly using a method which addresses the cause of the anxiety imbalance at its root.

Reduction of the 'benchmark' anxiety level will produce an immediate reduction and elimination of depersonalization and derealization and their symptoms.

Recently, I helped three young people who had developed DP and DR after a trauma. They had all been receiving other treatments for months. Within 3 days of using my Method... all three experienced complete removal of their depersonalization and derealization...
HOW? They just did what I asked of them and their minds switched off their disorders... it's that simple.

Is the Method hard to do? No. Actually it's simply a 'tune up' of what you should be doing already... in the confusion of life PLUS your condition, the mind becomes 'reset' to respond inappropriately... all we do is show you how to quickly take it back to 'normal'.

It can't fail because every person's mind and body work in the same way... it's just the way the human body works!
"I suffered with depersonalization and derealization at varying levels for over 27 years but when I used, what became, The Linden Method, they both quickly disappeared and never returned. Since then, The Linden Method has cured tens of thousands of depersonalization and derealization sufferers using the exact same process. If you
do it, it works... it's that simple." Charles Linden
 Charles Linden - Anxiety Disorder Coach
Charles Linden

Author of The Linden Method® and
CEO of The Linden Centers

francis teeney - anxiety reocvery expert
Dr Romulo Valdez of Dartmouth Medical Center says...

"As a psychologist that has been treating anxiety and depression for over 25 years, I can espouse the effectiveness of the Linden Method. I have been trained by the very best in the fields of Psychology and Psychiatry as you can see by my credentials, and I endorse the Linden Method with highest regard. The Linden Method will give you all that you need. Haven't you suffered enough? The cure is at your disposal. Why wait?" 
Dr Romulo Valdez Jr. Ph.D.

BIOG: Dartmouth Medical School and Harvard Medical Schools - Psychologist at the Phillips Exeter Academy. NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) research project at the University of Pennsylvania, Psychotherapy Research Center. Center for Psychological Trauma at Dartmouth Medical School, Department of Psychiatry. Member American Psychological Association and the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. Fellow New Hampshire Psychological Association.

Romulo Valdez, Jr., Ph.D.
Dr of Psychology.

hay house louise hay didaskaleinophobia - school phobia
"Charles Linden is the world's most influential authority on anxiety."

 Louise Hay. Hay House Publishing

Jenny Brookes - Head of Training

Psychologist MSc. MA BPS - Linden Tree Head of Training & Education
As a psychologist working in practice, I am compelled by the thousands of recoveries we produce at TLM and the Retreats. Recovery isn't a word often used in psychology or psychiatry, because most patients don't get to experience the recovery they hoped for. I have been at Linden Tree since 2002 and the word recovery is used daily, because we produce recovery and in great numbers. We all adore what we do because what we do works more effectively than anything else available.

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