Despite how you feel right now, your agoraphobia can be removed quickly without increasing your anxiety
Dear anxiety sufferer,
my name is Charles Linden and I suffered from agoraphobia, anxiety and panic attacks, obsessions, phobias and eating disorders for over 22 years of my life.
They took away my liberty and my dignity for years. Then I removed them all completely.
In 1997 I discovered a way to eliminate these disorders and since then, I have helped over 340,000 people to recover.
I now have a team of the most amazing anxiety recovery specialists who help me to bring this program to the anxiety sufferers of the world.
Let me first explain that agoraphobia and anxiety affect every sufferer in different ways; however, there is a small group of symptoms which are common to most sufferers.
Agoraphobia is generally regarded as a fear of open spaces but this is inaccurate... most sufferers fear being away from a person or place of safety... in my case, I was so agoraphobic that I could have a panic attack moving from room to room.
It has nothing to do with geography and everything to do with FEAR.
The answer is simple... SAFETY SEEKING.
As the anxiety disorder develops, sufferers do whatever they can to stay safe... as they do so, their movements and activities reduce in an attempt to protect themselves from anything that could cause them to feel more anxious.
Many agoraphobics avoid watching the news or reading newspapers... they change subjects during conversations, if the conversation turns to subjects that cause them to feel more anxious or address subjects that bring their awareness to their vulnerabilities or fears.
Agoraphobics limit their geographic movements but sometimes feel more able to travel if they accompanied by someone they trust.
Some agoraphobics will travel to certain places quite confidently or may have to do practice runs before the event.
Many agoraphobics isolate themselves for long periods of time and often stay at home whilst other family members take holidays or travel. Often, other family members have to move in with them whilst their family takes a holiday. It is not unusual for quite elderly parents to care for their child, even when that child is in their 40's or 50's.
Many agoraphobics never marry or leave home.
Agoraphobia is frightening, isolating and frustrating but it also entirely and quickly possible to recover fully.
Agoraphobia can develop in a day or can slowly develop over months or even years as the person restricts their movements.
Often, agoraphobia sufferers will vocalise that they don't like people, don't feel comfortable in the world or lack social abilities - but we have found that after recovery, these people become confident and focused, happy and fulfilled.
Agoraphobia isn't about distance... it is solely about inappropriate fear; in agoraphobia, the focus of the person's fear is on safety and therefore restricting geographic movements to reduce their fears.
In OCD, for example, sufferers might wash their hands or switch power on and off in order to reduce their fears... the only difference between agoraphobia and OCD is the subject matter on which sufferers focus.
Many agoraphobics also suffer from classic OCD.
The 'false science' that psychology and medicine applies to agoraphobia and anxiety disorders is that they are caused by chemical imbalance, frailty, trauma or mental instability.
It just isn't true.
Then they attempt to treat the disorders with talking therapies, meditation, hypnosis, medication or counselling. If you have had those treatments, you'll know they don't work.
Why don't they work though? Because none of them address the cause of the disorder and none of them address the neurology (brain wiring) that can repair the problem.
You might now ask "so why do they use these inappropriate therapies?" - the answer is simple; they don't know the solution so they use whatever they have in their 'tool box'.
Don't forget, we have helped over 340,000 people over 20 years of practice.
We are called when recording artists, musicians, actors and sports-stars can't perform... we are unique in every way and unique in the recoveries we produce.
What psychology and medicine ignore is that agoraphobia is a SYMPTOM of an underlying anxiety disorder and that without the anxiety, agoraphobia cannot exist.
Agoraphobia is created by a 'what if' thought and like all anxiety conditions requires you to 'switch off' the anxiety at its core.
This doesn't involve exposure therapy or 'facing your fears', it is simple, fast and enlightening.
When I recovered in less than three days, I suddenly found myself in places that I would have previously avoided.
Five days after recovery I drove 180 miles on my own and left my phone at home. I couldn't leave my living room the previous week. I suddenly relaised where I was and the sense of excitement was incredible.
Honestly, I had never felt like that before in my entire life.
There is no other way to recover from anxiety and agoraphobia - the point is that your mind and body are set up to recover in just one way.
If you wish to remove agoraphobia and the underlying anxiety completely, your mind has to go through this's a good thing that it's so simple.
"As a psychologist that has been treating anxiety and depression for over 25 years, I can espouse the effectiveness of the program. I have been trained by the very best in the fields of Psychology and Psychiatry as you can see by my credentials, and I endorse the programs with highest regard. The programs will give you all that you need. Haven't you suffered enough? The cure is at your disposal. Why wait?" Dr Romulo Valdez Jr. Ph.D.
Dartmouth Medical School and Harvard Medical Schools - Psychologist at the Phillips Exeter Academy. NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) research project at the University of Pennsylvania, Psychotherapy Research Center. Center for Psychological Trauma at Dartmouth Medical School, Department of Psychiatry. Member American Psychological Association and the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. Fellow New Hampshire Psychological Association.
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
Charles Linden
Charles Linden is said to be the world's leading authority on anxiety disorder recovery. Charles is author of over 200 works, a TV presenter, radio and TV guest, stress and anxiety consultant and adviser to sports clubs, sports stars, celebrities, film and Tv studios world over.