
Health Anxiety

We absolutely understand why you might feel scared, BUT...

...let our professional therapists help you to remove your inappropriate fear fast

Health anxiety is a normal and expected feature of anxiety disorder and we have all suffered from the condition but also, we have helped tens of thousands of people to overcome their anxiety, panic and obsessive focuses, so we fully understand how you feel but also how to reduce your anxiety fast.

You don't need to increase medication or get extra counselling - you need a simple, supportive, scientific solution.

Despite how you feel right now, you can reduce your anxiety levels fast when you DO what your mind and body need in order to switch off the disordered fear responses that drive your anxiety, panic, phobias, or obsessions... even if you have all of those issues this technique will switch it all off fast.

We understand that coronavirus... in fact any virus or illness 'scares the pants off you', because you are anxious... but there's a huge and vital difference between having ANXIETY and having normal, measured fear responses.

What we do is unique in so many ways but mostly because it switches off the disordered part of your fear and returns you to normal emotional responses.

If you could do that right now, imagine how calm and happy you would feel.

Drugs and counselling cannot do this for you... it never has been able to. But your mind can and we can show you how to feel massively calmer even within the next 20 minutes.

We will prove to you that most of what you are experiencing is disorder and we will show you how you don't need to be scared for one more day.

Health anxiety is experienced as a constant focus on one's health and wellbeing.

Health anxiety sufferers often check themselves for illnesses or ailments.

They might check for lumps, bumps or skin anomalies for example. Sufferers might take their pulse, their blood pressure or check blood sugar levels. Often health anxiety sufferers carry provisions with them, water, blood pressure monitor, blood sugar monitor or other 'medical' equipment.

Health anxiety sufferers worry constantly about symptoms they experience and the potential for illness. They also worry that health practitioners may have 'missed' their ailment or that tests have been lost or mixed up. Health anxiety sufferers rarely focus on the world around them; they are fixated on themselves and there own wellbeing.

Health anxiety is very easily remedied.

Removing the core inappropriate fear response removes health anxiety for good. Sufferers are always shocked at the speed of recovery but so grateful for the sudden sense of relief and freedom they experience.

An ex-health anxiety suffering client speak out about their recovery.


We will show you how to return to normal emotional responses

You will wake every day with normal thoughts and total emotional and physical balance - No drugs, no 'therapy' no 'face your fear tactics' or mumbo jumbo. Just simple, fast and effective removal of your anxiety condition with unlimited guidance by qualified recovery professionals IF you need it.

You can and will be free from your Health Anxiety...

"Imagine waking every day considering nothing but the experiences and adventure ahead of you... well that's how you will be! No matter how your disorder manifests in you, we will show you how you can live your life in emotional balance, excited about life, not fearful and depressed."

Charles Linden. Director. Linden Tree Education


Let's be clear on this... you cannot cure FEAR... but emotional disorders can be removed completely, returning sufferers to normal emotional responses.

Anxiety is a condition of the emotions, it is NOT an emotion... fear is an emotion. You can't cure emotions... BUT, you can recover from emotional disorders! Fully.


Our emotions are chemical. They are generated in the mind's synapses as sparks jump across them collecting the appropriate chemical in order to provide us with an emotional experience.

When the system is working correctly, we feel happy and well and all of our bodily functions work together in harmony. In anxiety disorders, the opposite is experienced... as you well know.
health anxiety hypochodriasis


Because we are what chemicals tell us to be. Your entire body is under the control of and totally reliant on the endocrine system that controls body chemistry.

It, not only, tells the physical body what to do and provides emotions, but it also keeps us alive, circulates blood, digests food and a myriad of other vital bodily functions... all in absolute harmony. Until disorders happen.


All emotional conditions are experienced directly because of chemical responses in the synapses in the brain and our programs will teach you how to, not only, take immediate control of those responses, but also how to quickly erase the ability to suffer from emotional imbalance, anxiety disorders, low mood, phobias, obsessions or any of the conditions experienced... ever again.


You will then be in lifelong balance and your body and mind will be able to work effectively in every way.

The system is designed to be used by people from 7 years of age over 25 years of research and development to make it simple, understandable and immediately effective.


Please Submit Your Details To Watch The Recovery Video Now.